Three Tips for Resurfacing a Damaged Concrete Floor in Your Commercial Premises

For many years, concrete wasn't seen as a very nice material. It was associated in many people's minds with multi-storey car parks and bland apartment blogs. However, in recent years, concrete has undergone something of a revival. This is thanks to people like me, people who can see what a beautiful and useful material concrete is. I designed my dream home using a poured concrete shell and it was a massive success. I called in the best contractors I could find and they really offered all the help and advice I could ask for. I am so please with my new concrete home.

Three Tips for Resurfacing a Damaged Concrete Floor in Your Commercial Premises

13 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If the concrete floor in your commercial premises has sustained major damage and needs to be resurfaced, here are a few tips which should help to ensure that this process goes smoothly.

Hire a contractor that uses a pumping truck

The traditional method of preparing and pouring concrete can be quite slow and laborious. If you want the repair work to be completed quickly, so that you can get your business back up and running as soon as possible, it might be worth hiring a contractor that offers commercial concrete pumping services.

There are a couple of reasons why this will speed up the repair process. Firstly, the pumping truck will contain ready-made concrete, meaning that the contractor won't have to prepare the concrete mixture in your premises before they can begin the resurfacing work. Instead, they can simply get started as soon as they arrive on site.

Secondly, this approach allows the contractor to pour the concrete very quickly, as the truck can generate a constant flow of concrete onto the damaged section of the floor.

Clear the area before the repair work begins

If other sections of your commercial building will be occupied by employees and clients whilst the resurfacing work is done, then you should make sure that the area in which your concrete contractor will be working is completely barricaded off.

If you do not do this, and employees are, therefore, allowed to wander over to the pumping truck, they may end up being splashed with concrete. This might sound innocuous; however, concrete can cause serious skin burns and eye injuries.

Anyone who needs to work in the vicinity of the concrete pumping truck should be provided with protective outerwear, gloves and safety glasses to reduce their risk of injury.

Ask the contractor to add a sealant

If you want to avoid having your newly-resurfaced concrete floor damaged again in the future, you should ask your contractor to add a coat of sealant to it at the end of the resurfacing process.

Sealant acts as an impenetrable barrier, which will prevent water from entering the tiny holes that are present in concrete and causing damage. It can also help to prevent cracks if the floor is routinely exposed to heavy-weight loads, and make it easier to keep the concrete free from unsightly stains.

Adding a sealant may lead to you incurring an additional fee and will probably extend the length of the repair process by a day or two. However, this additional expense will almost certainly save you money in the long run, by protecting the concrete from further damage.